Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An average day.....

I am at the beach this week with a life-long friend and my family. I am enjoying the beautiful scenery that God has painted around us. The hustle and bustle of all 3 of our children...6, 23 mos. and 20 mos. I have thought in that last week after seeing another friend of ours and her brand new baby what having three would be like... Do we want to cross that bridge, be out numbered, have another little person add to the stress. Then I think of what a blessing my girls are, but three really?

As I sit here, I was just reading Mck Mama's Blog posting and practically in tears I sit and think about her struggles and turmoil her family is going through. I have always thought of her as a mama to look up to. She has three little people to care for (the oldest is 3 years the youngest 9 mos.), they don't have TVs in their house, she believes in all that is natural and she loves Jesus with her whole heart. Her faith is an example to all mamas out there. As I sit here being average myself. I am not sure if I could handle what she is going through with the little one inside her fighting to live here on this earth as we know it. Somehow, my stresses seem pretty trivial.

1 comment:

Middleton said...

So glad I found you and your blog. I was encouraged by your words on top about God's grace being sufficient. I am a mom of 5 little ones (9,5,3,1, and 3 mos) and sick with a nursing infection so I really needed that reminder. I hope life is treating you well and look forward to peeking in on you from time to time. My blog is if you want to see my cute babies!