Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lazy or drained...

I thought it had been a little while since I have posted and really it is because I sometimes feel overwhelmed. Really, I think that my day is not too complicated and each one seems to run into the next. I guess that is how it is with little ones. I don't seem to get things done that I need to and really the only thing keeping me from that is myself. I get a little lazy sometimes and I feel drained sometimes. I am pulled on, teaching, talking to, listening to, cleaning up after a toddler and a first grader. Why can't I keep it together? Am I the only one that feels like the balls are in the air all the time? I would rather spend time out and about than doing things at home. I guess I just need to find that balance. I have a friend that inspires me every time I go to see her. She is a type A, get everything done, has time to make things for people...really not the lazy type. I wonder how she has the energy to do it all. I asked her once, "don't you just want to collapse?" She assurred me that she does at the end of the night. Which can sometimes be 1 or 2 am just because she is "getting things done." Her house is always neat and clean and laundry does not overwhelm her like it does me. So why can't I get it together? Who knows! I try and I have good intentions. I would love to get it together enough that i could invite someone in on the fly, not cringing that my house is a mess...

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